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Benefits of Getting a CBCT Scan


In years’ past, basic dental X-rays were all that your Port Melbourne family dentist had to diagnose issues like bone loss, abscesses, and tooth decay. That meant using two-dimensional images to plan treatments like fillings and dental implants. Simply put, it was only a piece of the diagnostic puzzle. Today, we’re fortunate to have access to 3D imaging where we can virtually capture a multi-dimensional image of your teeth, jaws, and surrounding oral anatomy. It’s all possible with a ten second scan called a CBCT. If you’ve ever had a pano (full-mouth X-ray) taken, the process of getting a CBCT … Continue reading

Autologous Somatic Cell Jaw Repair

Jaw damage, bone fractures, and extensive osseous loss because of periodontal disease (or missing teeth) can affect everything from your oral function and speech to your facial profile and tooth retention. With a process called “autologous somatic cell” treatment, we use innovative research to harness the healing properties of natural cell tissue to aid in the regeneration of bone. Autologous somatic cells use your body’s own blood cells, platelets, and growth factors to help regenerate bone structure so that there’s a steady foundation available to anchor new dental implants into your mouth. When key proteins are incorporated into specific areas … Continue reading

Your Routine Oral Cancer Screening

Did you know that getting an oral cancer exam was a crucial part of every dental checkup we perform at PMD Dental Care in Port Melbourne? Since oral cancer is such a dangerous disease, it’s crucial to intercept it as early as possible. Sadly, it’s often hard to detect. That’s why so many people who have oral cancer never realize there’s even an issue until the disease has reached an advanced stage. As your Port Melbourne dentists, we can help break the cycle in oral cancer diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes. By screening your mouth at least twice per year, it’s … Continue reading

What to do if You Knock Out a Tooth

Knocked out teeth. They happen in bathrooms, on the ball field, and even from getting bumped in the mouth by an elbow or grandchild. Whatever the cause, it’s important to act fast! If you knock out a tooth, follow these important steps:   Locate the Tooth Are you in a place where the tooth can be found? You might think it’s a lost cause, but acting quickly is essential. It never hurts to look.   Only Handle it by the Crown Do NOT touch the root of the tooth. It’s covered in hundreds of tiny fibres that could help to … Continue reading

Benefits of All on Four Implants


What would you say if you found out it was possible to replace all of your missing teeth with just a few dental implants? “All on 4” is a revolutionary and life-changing dental treatment where our Port Melbourne dentists anchor a full arch hybrid prosthesis on top of as few as four implants in your upper or lower arch. Since today’s implants are so strong and predictable, they’re capable of successfully supporting the weight of multiple teeth. An All on Four prosthesis eliminates the need to wear a removable denture, because a more streamlined restoration is used. All on Four … Continue reading

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