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Treating Cracked Teeth

cracked tooth repair

Do you have a visible or suspected crack in your tooth? Diagnosing cracked teeth isn’t always as easy as you might think it is. The way they’re treated depends on the severity and location of the crack. What is a Cracked Tooth? The tooth enamel is considered to be the hardest part of the body. However, this doesn’t mean that it is invincible. There are instances where you can crack your tooth. A cracked tooth could refer to a chipped, cracked or broken tooth, and it could be a minor fracture or a visible chip. Your teeth may get cracked … Continue reading

How do Orthodontic Trays/Aligners Work?


If you’re looking to straighten your teeth without braces, then our Port Melbourne dentists may recommend a removable, translucent tray system that uses aligners. Compared to traditional metal orthodontics, aligners are free of any fixed wires or brackets. Yet, they’re predictable, efficient, and comfortable for our adult and teen patients. Here’s how they work: Strategic, Digitally-Mapped Pressure Clear aligners are mapped out virtually before treatment ever starts. That means PMD Dental Care can see your proposed results before you start wearing the aligners. Using specific techniques, each tooth is “moved” in the computer software and the corresponding alignment trays are … Continue reading

Why You Should See a Dentist Every Six Months


You’ve probably always heard that you need to schedule a dental checkup twice per year. But if you don’t normally have dental problems, is it ok to skip?  Here are several reasons why your six-month dental visits are more important than you may realize.  We’re Screening for Oral Cancer Oral cancer is a deadly disease, in that most people aren’t aware of their condition until symptoms are severe. As your Port Melbourne dentist, we’re constantly evaluating your oral tissues for changes between appointments. Earlier diagnosis of precancerous tissue can save your life.  Gum Disease Can be Intercepted Earlier Early stages … Continue reading

Types of Implant Restorations


When you’re replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, you have a number of different options to choose from.  The biggest misconception about implants is that most people think you need one for each tooth that’s missing; not so! Thanks to the variety of implant options available, we can use them in pairs to support multi-tooth restorations. Their strength and durability is such that you won’t have to compromise the strength of your bite whatsoever.  Here are some of the most common implant restorations you may want to consider: Single Crowns Traditionally, single teeth are replaced with an individual implant … Continue reading

Do I Have a Cavity?


Tooth decay is one of the most common reasons to search for a dentist in your area. If you haven’t been seeing a dental provider in a while, a cavity could change that. At PMD Dental Care, we frequently receive appointment requests because of toothaches and symptoms of decay. Poor oral health is one of the main causes of tooth decay. When you don’t maintain proper oral hygiene, plaque (a sticky layer of bacteria) can form in your mouth. These bacteria come into contact with sugars from the food and drinks you consume, turning these sugars into acid that can … Continue reading