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Is Tooth Recontouring Right for You?


If you’re curious about minimally-invasive cosmetic treatments that can make a big impact on your smile, you may want to ask our Port Melbourne dentists about tooth recontouring.  What is Tooth Recontouring? When you smile, look at the edges of your teeth. Are they fairly even and uniform? If they aren’t, recontouring can smooth out the edges so they’re smoother and better aligned from one side of your smile to the other. This process can be especially helpful if you have irregular tooth shapes, past damage, or edges that show some chipping or wear.  The best part is that recontouring … Continue reading

Symptoms of Abscessed Teeth


A dental abscess is a bacterial infection that can occur in the oral cavity – inside your teeth or gums. The bacteria can cause localised inflammation and a buildup of pus. Often resembling a pimple, an abscessed tooth can cause the most painful toothache that you’ve ever experienced. But dental abscesses can also be pain-free, because the nerve of the tooth has died.  Left untreated, a dental abscess can have severe complications and even turn into a life-threatening condition. If you’re not sure whether you have an ongoing abscess, our Port Melbourne dentists want you to look out for these … Continue reading

What to Do if You Chip a Tooth


It’s something that a lot of people have nightmares about: chipping a tooth. Whether you accidentally bit down on something too hard or got bumped in the mouth, when you break a tooth, everything comes to a screeching halt.  First and foremost, take a deep breath. No matter how bad your chipped tooth is, our Port Melbourne dentists can help you take care of it. Once you’ve eased your mind, however, there are a couple of important things that you need to do.    Store Your Broken Tooth Fragment Tiny slivers of chipped enamel can’t be bonded back into place. … Continue reading

How to Get the Most Out of Your New Crown


If you’ve recently gotten your first crown or replaced an old one, there are specific steps you can take to help it last as long as possible. With great care, your oral health investment will be functional for many years to come.  Floss Your Crown Daily The margins around your new crown need to be kept very clean. Brush them as you would your natural teeth, but floss them daily too. When done properly, flossing will not pull your crown off. However, not flossing could cause your crown to come out prematurely.  To floss around a crown, gently slip the … Continue reading

Fast Smile Makeover Options

young smiling woman

Have you decided to treat yourself to a smile you feel more comfortable about showing off?  There are a number of cosmetic dental treatment options that we offer our Port Melbourne patients. If you’ve found yourself hiding your smile when you meet friends, in social settings or when posing for pictures, these cosmetic solutions can help you achieve that perfect smile you’ve been dreaming of. These smile makeover options won’t just improve your smile, they will also make you feel good in your own skin. If you are looking for quick and effective ways to improve your smile, here are … Continue reading