Symptoms of Abscessed Teeth

A dental abscess is a bacterial infection that can occur in the oral cavity – inside your teeth or gums. The bacteria can cause localised inflammation and a buildup of pus. Often resembling a pimple, an abscessed tooth can cause the most painful toothache that you’ve ever experienced. But dental abscesses can also be pain-free, because the nerve of the tooth has died.
Left untreated, a dental abscess can have severe complications and even turn into a life-threatening condition.
If you’re not sure whether you have an ongoing abscess, our Port Melbourne dentists want you to look out for these other common symptoms:
A Fistula on Your Gums
Fistulas look like small pimples. They may come and go or be various sizes. They’re caused by infection draining out the tip of your tooth root and seeping through the bone until the bacteria reach the surface. Even if the fistula drains and isn’t noticeable, the open infection still exists.
Sensitivity to Heat
One of the tell-tale signs of an abscessed tooth, is a dental nerve that is hypersensitive when exposed to heat. If you’re not able to drink a hot cup of tea or coffee without feeling a ocalised area of pain, then there’s likely a problem involving a damaged nerve.
Tooth Discoloration
When a tooth is abscessed, it means the nerve inside of it has died. Dying teeth are known for turning darker colours that stand out against the teeth next to them. A brown or grey hue may start to be visible. However, this is usually one of the last side-effects for people to notice.
If you have a dental abscess, it can cause severe tooth pain that radiates down to your jaw and neck. This pain may only occur when you bite or chew or it can even be intermittent or continuous.
The pain is caused when the bacteria causes inflammation and pus to fill the abscess. As a result, the pressure within the tooth increases, compressing the dental nerves and leading to dental pain.
Bad Breath or a Bitter Taste
Have you noticed bad breath or a bitter taste in your mouth? It could be from an abscessed tooth. Bacteria from a dental abscess produces sulphur compounds which can cause bad breath.
See a Dentist to Know for Sure
When you visit PMD Dental Care, we’ll book you for an exam and X-ray to find out if your tooth is abscessed. In the image, we’ll be looking for a dark spot near the tip of your root. If you receive a positive diagnosis, you’ll want to start planning for endodontic therapy as soon as possible. Getting a root canal will prevent chronic infection, tooth loss, and the spread of bacteria to other teeth.
Contact our Port Melbourne dentists today for an appointment.