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How to Clean Teeth with Water Flosser

A woman smiling widely showing off her teeth

Let’s talk about something crucial for your oral hygiene and smile – flossing!  Flossing is very important because there are certain spots in your mouth, like the spaces between teeth or just under the gum line, that your toothbrush can’t reach. But dental floss can. Despite being so important, flossing can feel like a chore, so it is often neglected as part of our oral care routines. Sometimes, traditional string floss just doesn’t cut it, especially if you haven’t mastered the proper flossing technique or have dental restorations like implants, crowns, and braces.  Enter the water flosser – a game-changer … Continue reading

What are the Different Types of Teeth?


As humans, we have two different sets of teeth during our lifetime – our baby teeth (primary/temporary teeth) and adult teeth (secondary/permanent teeth).  Primary teeth emerge when a baby is about 6 months old, in a process called teething. They are most likely to have all 20 of their baby teeth by the time they turn 3, and these teeth can be classified into incisors, canines and molars. They play an important role in speech development, chewing and saving space for adult teeth. It is recommended to take your child for their first dental visit as soon as the first … Continue reading

Which Teeth Straightening Method is the Best?


Braces have been the go-to solution for teeth straightening for many years and were often almost synonymous with the awkward teenage years. In fact, it was believed that braces were only for teenagers, a misconception that has since been cleared.  With advancements in dentistry, there have been remarkable developments in teeth straightening solutions in recent years. Gone are the days of wearing conspicuous metal braces and wires on your teeth to get that straighter smile. You can now transform your smile with discreet and virtually invisible solutions such as clear aligners and Invisalign.  With a range of options, from metal … Continue reading

How to Fix Sharp Canine Teeth?


A confident smile comes naturally when we are happy about how it looks. However, if you have sharp canine teeth, it could be different. You may hesitate to show off your pearly whites because these vampire-like fangs could make you feel self-conscious and embarrassed, ultimately affecting your self-esteem and social life.  At PMD Dental, we understand how sharp canine teeth can affect your life. That’s why we offer cosmetic dental solutions to reshape those pointy canines and breathe new life into your smile.  What are Canine (Vampire) Teeth?  Canine teeth are one out of the four types of teeth in … Continue reading

How Do I Stop My Gums From Receding?

How Do I Stop My Gums From Receding? Have you noticed your gums pulling back from your teeth? As a result, your teeth may look bigger, and you may experience tooth sensitivity. Moreover, it can leave you feeling self-conscious about your smile.  This condition, referred to as gum recession, is a common oral health problem many Australians face. Left untreated, gum recession can cause serious oral and overall health complications. This is why seeking immediate dental care is important if you notice receding gums.  What Are the Causes of Gum Recession? Your gums can recede for various reasons, including:  Brushing … Continue reading