Your Guide to Implant Supported Dentures

Looking for an affordable alternative to dental implants? Implant-supported dentures are a great option to consider! They use fewer dental implants (as little as 2-6) and can support up to a full prosthetic arch of teeth. Also called overdentures, here’s what you need to know about this treatment if you’re considering your options for missing teeth:
What are implant-supported dentures?
Overdentures combine the use of dentures and dental implants to give you a more secure and comfortable tooth replacement method. A set of prosthetic and removable teeth are secured to your jaw via the use of dental implants, which help keep the entire structure in place (as opposed to your conventional dentures).
Are you an eligible candidate?
In order to be eligible for this treatment, you would need to have at least most of your teeth missing and need to meet the general criteria for dental implants. This means that any existing infection will have to be treated first and a healthy amount of jaw bone must be available to successfully insert the implant screws. If you fail to meet this particular criterion, a bone graft would be your next immediate option.
How does it work?
In your initial consultation and evaluation, 3D imaging will also be carried out to determine if you’re in good oral health and if you meet the above criteria. If you have any existing infection or decay, they’ll be treated before moving on to the next step. Once this is complete, dental X-rays and impressions will be taken to fabricate the exact shape and size of your dental implants and prosthetic teeth. Once your dental implants are placed, this can take up to 3 months to heal (varies from individual to individual) and once healed, you’ll have your dentures fitted in during your next appointment.
Maintenance & After-care
We recommend avoiding any spicy foods and sticking to a diet consisting of softer foods in the first week following your implant fitting. Keep in mind that when your dentures are fitted in, these prosthetic teeth will be up to ten times softer than your natural teeth so investing in low-abrasive denture cleaners will prove highly beneficial when it comes to cleaning and maintenance.
Want more details on implant-supported dentures? Call Port Melbourne Dental today and schedule a consultation with our dental staff and we’ll find out if you’re an eligible candidate!